The new mode to be always in a tonus the inhabitant of Nizhneserginsky neighbouring commune of Sverdlovsk range has discovered. Kadima Gamilyanovna, bunking at village Ufa-Shirigi, plots the hexahedral dwelling. As the mistress SPK, such form favorably influences state of health of people. In new housing EVN doors and windows of the hexangular form. And now it is puzzled by where to get a hexahedral gas-fire.
Dwelling Kadima Galimjanova plots two years. To conclude the design it is going to in the following spring, but does not eliminate, that the building area can and be postponed the stall: hexangular walls 4 home unit are already builted, and here W a hexangular door and windows - problems, to saw out such difficultly enough. Furthermore all in the dwelling, including furniture, should be hexahedral. To invert all norms of construction woman Katya has decided after has heard, that the hexagon yields the person a charge of forces and energies.
4 Kadima Gamilyanovna the hexahedral dwelling it will be not simple home unit: it will treat tenants and to attach them of forces, reporting to "Conduct-ural". The Same properties the terrain round a constitution will have also. Only woman will live directly in a hexagon. Remaining members of the family and visitors here will rest only.
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The inhabitant of Sverdlovsk range plots the unusual dwelling - for it six facets
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11:04 PM
The unusual dwelling - the Numeral cabin
Without delay aesthetic, rather than ascetic, the compact cabin can and less off-road car, but inside masks much more amenities.
Welcome in a compact micro-cottage - a palace of the future square of 7 square metres, created by the professor of Engineering University of Munich Richard Hordenom in the capacity of the answer to growth in demand on dwellings 4 temporary residence.
It is uneasy dressed up hovel: a micro-cottage - the BMW among small dwellings. Having paid $96,000 for a small cube (including delivery and installation in any place in Europe), the holder receives the complex interior equipped all indispensable - from a plane baffle of a television B4 a dining table W places 4 a five. In the future solar cells and the weatherproof turbine installed on a roof W a vertical shaft will oscillate 2200 kilowatts of energy a year so that the cabin will ensure in energy of and the owner.
The aluminium bimetal home unit can and slightly scares outside, but all rather interesting is inside. «It is the dwelling 4 people adoring interiors», - SPK Horden. «All surfaces in the dwelling functional - as if a guidance system of the car or an airplane».
From the end of 2005 students of Engineering University of Munich and staff lived in the first settlement from seven micro-dwellings, the settlement from 16 dwellings has been created in a place nearby to Vienna, in Austria. «There are no causes more to have colossal rooms 4 life», - SPK Greg Pol Johnson, director Small House Society, the public organisation disposed in the State of Iowa, the USA. «In long run - all your media collection in one iPod can be seated 2DAY».
The furniture is not necessary any more. The compact interior of a micro-cottage switches on:
1. A fire alarm and smoke detectors;
2. Put forward desktop, W places 4 planting of five persons;
3. Two beds, a length of 228 centimetres (a berth over a dining table and a put forward bed in the order a flap);
4. Shelves and chests of drawers 4 a storing clothing, a sleeping gear, machineries and other;
5. A director's console W monitoring of all electrical fitters: jacket heatings, air conditionings, a television, CD of a player, LED lighting;
6. A bathroom W the put forward screen which one divides a W.C. and a shower, plus range 4 clothes and shoe drying;
7. A galley riged with a microwave, a cooler/freezer, a shell, a dump receiver, a double-lever work face.
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4:31 AM